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June 07, 2012
Clinton "Associates," Spinning for Obama: Clinton's Off His Game; He's 65, You Know
Holy Crap. Am I a Precog or what? Yesterday I wrote:
Oh, Here's a Better Analogy: Every have a very old relation who says racist things and embarrasses the family?
And then people say two things: "He's very set in his ways" and "He just doesn't care anymore."
I don't, but Adam Carolla was talking about that last month.
So: Bill Clinton's retired. He earned his federal pension. It's Golf City for him now.
He'll show up at family gatherings if you insist on it, but don't get him started on his Dominican Maid Who Steals His Pills.
He may say embarrassing things, but he's very set in his ways, and he just doesn't care anymore.
Today, in order to help walk back Clinton's remarks to benefit Obama, Clinton's "associates" now say:
Clinton, say associates, while mentally sharp, is older and a step off his political game, less attuned to the need for clarity and message-discipline during interviews.
“He’s 65 years old,” said one adviser, explaining how Clinton in a CNBC interview managed to say that the economy was in recession when it is not.
You know... my analogy was meant as a joke. All I meant is that Clinton has earned the right to be a Loose Cannon Codger if he likes. The guy was president. He doesn't have to "coordinate" his remarks with anybody. If he's asked his opinion, he's earned the right to offer it, without checking with Barack Hussein Obama to see if it's useful to him.
But his own associates are now playing the senility card?
Yes, he's "off his political game." Because he's no longer an active politician. He doesn't have to play the game anymore.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but: Leave Bill Clinton alone, you partisan ideological-extremist monsters.
What the hell is this?
If I were Clinton, I'd be angry. And if I were Clinton and I were angry, I'd have every right to be angry.
If Clinton's words help Obama, so be it. If his honest opinion undermines Obama some -- so be it.
Is Clinton now just Paul Begala, workin' for the next idiot seeking office?
Apparently Obama thinks Clinton is Paul Begala, and apparently so do some of Clinton's associates.
But I don't think Bill Clinton thinks he's Paul Begala.
One More Thing: I pointed out a week ago that Steny Hoyer was not "agreeing" with Clinton's remarks, but endeavoring to recast them into something Clinton simply never said.
In the clip at Hot Air, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz proves this, by claiming the exact same thing.
Clinton said Romney's career was "sterling" and that he was qualified to be president. He said the only questions left were about Romney's policies, versus Obama's policies.
Since then, Steny Hoyer and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz have claimed that Clinton said something entirely different-- that while private equity may be good or bad, it's a good thing to look into the "bad" practices at Bain.
Clinton simply did not say this.
To claim Clinton said this is a... "Wish-Lie." You wish he said that, so you lie that he did.
He said Romney's career at Bain was "sterling," and that any attack on it was useless.
All this other crap, about the "bad practices" at Bain, is what the Democratic Talking Points said.
Which is fine.
But Bill Clinton did not repeat the Talking Points.