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Of Course: John Edwards Reportedly Connected To High-End NY Prostitution Ring »
March 22, 2012
Top Headline Comments 3-22-12
Happy Thursday.
The NYTimes has no less than three separate Etch-a-Sketch stories in today's paper. One on the front page. One on A18. And one on D9.
Breaking news caveat applies: multiple French news Twitter accounts are saying the Islamist Toulouse killer is dead after police stormed the apartment. Killed while resisting arrest.
Bloomberg News reports that Obama's unnecessary approval for the southern leg of the Keystone XL project will not speed construction, which was already slated to begin in June.
The Daily Oklahoman---which, for those of you not from Oklahoma, could never be mistaken as GOP-leaning paper---slams Obama ahead of his "disingenuous" (x2!) "photo op."
NASA's MErcury Surface, Space Environment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft has detected signs of water ice buried at Mercury's poles. I suppose now folks are gonna want a Mercury base?
posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:53 AM
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