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March 20, 2012
ATF Had Prime Gun Smuggling Suspect In Custody But Released Him
Guns weren't the only thing that walked with no tracking mechanism.
The prime suspect in the botched gun trafficking investigation known as "Fast and Furious" -- Manuel Acosta -- was taken into custody and might have been stopped from trafficking weapons to Mexico's killer drug cartel early on. But the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) let him go, according to new documents obtained by CBS News.
The Border Patrol ran a check and found Acosta was already "under investigation for firearms trafficking" in Fast and Furious, so they called in the lead ATF case agent Hope MacAllister. Under questioning, Acosta allegedly described his contacts with a Mexican cartel member nicknamed "Chendi," and admitted going to Chendi's house for a shipment of narcotics.
So Fast and Furious was a success right? Er, no.
Instead of pursuing charges, Agent MacAllister asked Acosta if he'd be willing to cooperate with federal agents. He agreed and was released. Apparently, the promised cooperation never materialized. The report notes that 17 days after Acosta was let loose, he still had "not initiated any contact with Special Agent MacAllister."
Before releasing Acosta, MacAllister wrote her contact information on a $10 bill at Acosta's request, gave it to him, then warned him "not to participate in any illegal activity unless under her direction."
Wait...a known drug and gun runner working for a notorious Mexican drug cartel lied to get out of jail. But, but HE GAVE HIS WORD!
In a just world this would the last nail in the ATF's organizational coffin. They are simply to dumb and dangerous to be allowed to continue on.

posted by DrewM. at
11:20 AM
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