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Overnight Open Thread (3-15-2012) »
March 15, 2012
CAC's Projection for the U.S. Senate (March 2012 edition)
Courtesy of JohnE, as always.
Updated to reflect recent polling (and some unpublished observations) giving the Republicans the edge in North Dakota, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Florida, Montana, and Missouri; and Angus King the edge in Maine.
Republicans have a wide lead in North Dakota and Nebraska, a moderate lead in Florida and Wisconsin, and narrow but promising leads in Montana and Missouri, flipping the Senate. Ohio, New Mexico, and Hawaii could get interesting as time passes. Two of these three are open seats with competitive Democratic primaries, and Sherrod Brown's record in the Buckeye state might catch up to him (he currently enjoys double-digit leads over the Republican).
Be prepared for embiggened screen, it is a big map after the jump.

Told ya it was big.
Update: Rasmussen just released its Missouri Senate poll, confirming the already bad news for Senator McCaskill. She trails every Republican in the race.