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Overnight Open Thread (3-13-2012) »
March 13, 2012
Alabama/Mississippi Results Thread
Looks Likely That Santorum Will Take AL and MS
Absurdly close in Alabama, and mixed results, but still close, narrowly in favor of Gingrich in Mississippi.
There's also some caucuses in Hawaii and Samoa.
GOPers in both states say the most important factor is who can beat Obama.
If the polls are accurate, we won't know who won until pretty late.
Drudge: Just a headline, no link: Drudge says Romney is set for a win in Mississippi, while Alabama is too tight to call.
**Links for Results**
ALABAMA**CAC calling for Santorum @ 9:38pm EST
MISSISSIPPI **CAC calling for Santorum @ 9:50pst EST (this may be retracted but looks solid for now)
CAC- I will be updating these and calling the states as we go, just like Super Marte. Currently have MS-->Romney, HI-->Romney, AS--->Romney, AL-->Tossup between Gingrich/Santorum