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March 07, 2012
NYC/NJ Moron Meetup -- Saturday, March 10
NYC-area and nearby New Jersey morons, longtime commenter CharlieBrown'sDildo (hey, I didn't pick it) has arranged a moron meetup this weekend and requests the dubious pleasure of your company.
Mr. Dildo tells me that the meetup will be at a bar in Hoboken, NJ, which is, allegedly, close "PATH and the trains", whatever that means, from 6pm to 8pm on Saturday, March 10. He says it's Happy Hour, but to be honest, if I had to go around telling people to call me CharlieBrown'sDildo, I wouldn't be all that happy about it.
If you are interested in attending, you may email Mr. Dildo at nynjmeet [at] optimum [dot] net for the full details. Mr. Dildo stressed, however, that arsonists, axe murderers, and Californians should not bother emailing, as he's fresh out of ex-girlfriends. I'm not sure what he meant by that either.
Nationwide Moron Meetups: I anticipate that as we get closer to the election more of you people will want to do meetups. I'm happy to put up notices for them, so long as I know who you are. A little spending money also helps. You can always reach me via email at gabriel.malor at the gmail thingy.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:13 PM
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