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My Brush With Greatness »
March 02, 2012
Top Headline Comments 3-2-12
Happy Friday.
Blatant pants-so-on-fire-they've-set-the-building-on-fire-too lying in the President's official campaign tumblr on the contraception mandate. Liberals can't win without lying.
Pethokoukis' latest post on Obamanomics. It's long, but there are charts. Gotta have a chart man.
Pentagon has mothballed a 15 year-old, $5 billion laser missile defense project for lack of funding.
Arctic ice is at a seven-year high. Also, did you know that the North Pole was free of ice in the winter of 1958? There have been many stupid predictions of an ice-free Arctic over the years.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:01 AM
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