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February 27, 2012
Democratic California Secretary of the Treasury Bill Lockyer's Wife Allegedly In Sex-Tape With Another Dude
Turns out Bill Lockyer has as much control over his wife as over California spending.
He's 70, she's 40.
Hard to believe, but she sought out the company of younger men.
Or at least, this guy. Who she met at a rehab clinic.

I am here to do blow and shtup your wife
but I'm under court orders not to use blow.
So, Mrs. Lockyer was assaulted in a hotel room, presumably by her lover.
Mr Chikhani claimed that he acted in self-defense after Mrs Lockyer invited him to the hotel. He also revealed that he had been having a year-long affair with the politician's wife after they met in rehab while she was battling an alcohol addiction.
The fight was reportedly down to the fact Mrs Lockyer, an Alameda County Supervisor, was jealous that Chikani may have been seeing other women.
High on the list of things a guy never wants to hear: "Honey, you may wind up blackmailed with a sex-tape I made with a dude I met in a rehab center."
A sex tape of Mrs Lockyer and an unidentified man was reportedly given to her 70-year-old husband six weeks ago.
Mr Lockyer contacted the DA's office to obtain a restraining order against the man, suggesting that the alleged meth user might make the tape public.The DA's office refused to confirm this to MailOnline.
Although several officers were assigned to the case, it is believed that the relationship was consensual after text messages and explicit photographs of Mrs Lockyer and her lover were discovered.
The DA's office told the Chronicle that the office 'had nothing at all about a tape and blackmail'.
Then why send it?
More at Instapundit.
Because this post is worthless without pictures...

Honey, does this sex-tape make my ass look fat?

Making love to the camera.
And also, dudes she met at rehab.
I got that picture from New Santa Ana.