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December 15, 2011
Ron Paul's Earmark Problem
If you're "brave and principled" on never voting for an appropriation bill, but also shelter yourself from any political consequence of this stance by making sure your constituents get all the sweet, sweet Federal Gold their hearts desire, are you really brave or principled?
Ron Paul's never really passed any legislation, and hardly ever joins any. For all the claims about him being a fighter and a champion, he never seems to advance the ball.
But he does have a rich legislative history, of federal taxpayer-gifted goodies for his voters.
No legislation, no actual furtherance of conservative positions, but lots and lots of sweet sweet pork for the boys in Galveston and Corpus Christi.
He did once again suggest that a dedicated foreign enemy -- Iran -- is actually a victim of US aggression, and if they sink a ship and try to shut down oil shipments through the Persian Gulf, why, that's them just feeling powerless against Obama's relentless bullying.
Do you believe that Obama is guilty of relentless bullying against Iran? Because I don't.
What Paul seems to be referring to is calls for sanctions and such.
Even that much, he thinks, is enough to justify an act of war by Iran, such that we must understand we had it coming, and should just accept it.