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November 28, 2011
NYC Planned Parenthood Has Great Gift Idea For Visiting Family on Christmas: Abortion Agitprop
I was kind of expecting a sweater with a deer on it, but by gum, this earful of Planned Parenthood talking points is far more original!
“The holidays are upon us! Going home or getting together with relatives for the holidays is always a stressful time, but if your family members are the type who regularly protest outside the local Planned Parenthood, you know that this holiday is going to be a doozy,” the New York City affiliate of Planned Parenthood explains on its website. “Luckily, we have some tips for surviving those awkward conversations”
The abortion provider offers supporters “8 Easy Steps for Discussing Reproductive Health and Justice at the Holiday Table.” The online cheat-sheet includes such advice as “Avoid bumper speak talk” to steer away from anger-inducing slogans, and “Remember the big picture” to keep the conversation on common goals such as the need for health care. It also advises readers to “Know your facts, but keep the conversation more global.”
“It’s good to clarify misinformation—for example, the misconception that emergency contraception ends a pregnancy—but staying there can cause a fight. Instead, try to clarify, and then transition back to the underlying value of why you believe what you do,” the tip sheet explains.
That last Fun Science Fact is based on a bit of technicality -- as I understand it, they're saying that the emergency contraception prevents implantation of a fertilized egg on the uterine wall, which is what they call a "pregnancy."
Actually they're not saying that. They don't really explain their position. I'm guessing that's the way their argument would go, if they made it.
I have a feeling that a plurality of people arguing against abortion would define it at fertilization.
So, that's kind of dishonest. If you know how your opponent is defining a pregnancy differently from you, and you claim a "pregnancy" doesn't occur, knowing he's actually defining "life" from the moment of conception and you're just sort of hoping he misses the fact you're pulling a bait-and-switch over the terms of debate, well, maybe you'll shut him up, but dishonestly.
Merry Christmas, here's that empty semantic argument you wanted, straight from Santa's Workshop! Ho Ho Ho!
Another suggested response is about the issue of sex education.
Question: I think sex ed should be left to the parents.
Suggested Response. I totally agree that parents should be the main educators of their children when it comes to sex.
Wait, one guy says sex ed should be left to parents, and the suggested response is "I totally agree that parents should be the main educators about sex..."
Hey, I totally agree with the exact opposite position you just stated, but I said "I totally agree" in the beginning, so that's a Positive sort of thing and now you should agree back with me!
It's all this sort of third-grad debate tactics, either manipulative or just dishonest.
Suggested for use with family and friends. At Christmas dinner.