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November 28, 2011
Thomas Edsall In the NYT: Obama Will Explicitly Abandon Working Class White Vote
FoxNews: Edsall Says Obama Will Abandon Working Class White Vote
Dave Wiegel: Look How Racist Fox Is
Dave Wiegel's been explaining his wonderfully complex mind to me on Twitter.
Here's what I've determined:
Thomas Edsall can write, in the NYT, that Obama will "explicitly" "abandon" the "working class white" vote. That is the main point of the article, that the Democrats, though founded on the Working Class White vote, and though struggling for 30 or 40 years to get it back, is finally just giving up on this vote, and will attempt to construct majorities in the future without it -- going for minorities, the young, "secularists," and affluent whites.
That's the whole point of the article. I quoted it earlier. There is nothing in the article which is not about that.
Anyway, because the NYT likes to hide Democratic losses from its Democratic readership, and finds talk of losing white votes icky, they gave the article the vaporous, soporific headline "The Future of the Obama Coalition."
FoxNews saw the same article, noticed that the New York Times had given the article a deliberately non-informative headline, and so wrote about it themselves with an actually informative headline: "NYT: Obama Campaign To Abandon White Working Class."
Anyway, because of this: racist.
It's amazing to me that Edsall can say something, and not be racist (and nor the NYT be racist), but Fox can say the same thing -- quoting Edsall and the NYT -- and they're racist.
But that's how I'm told it works.