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Interesting: Can Anyone Attack Gingrich At The Debates? »
November 18, 2011
Jennifer Rubin: The Mouth of Sauron Romney
Leon H. Wolf has a great piece at RedState today, Kneel Before Romney and Despair. It sheds light on the way the Romney campaign operates and how their modus operandi dovetails with Jennifer Rubin's approach to reporting. "Apparently tonight, Mitt Romney wants you to think Newt Gingrich is an idiot," Wolf writes, because of her post yeserday, Gingrich: The Phony Intellectual. Wolf explains:
What I do want to do is to shed a little light on something that is not a secret to literally anyone who has interacted with the Romney campaign. See, during the 2008 campaign I worked for Sam Brownback. During the course of the campaign I became friendly with someone who worked in the Romney campaign’s communications department. After Brownback pulled a Pawlenty and bowed out after Ames, I reluctantly became a Romney supporter (viewing him as a far better choice than McCain). When I announced my support for Romney on the front page, I started receiving a steady deluge of emails from this friend pitching stories that were… well, pretty much exactly like the Newt Gingrich attack piece Jen Rubin wrote today.
Much more at the link.
After I read the Drudge headline yesterday about Gingrich going ahead in Iowa, I posed a bet to Ace and the co-, open-, and guest-bloggers. I bet them $5.00 Rubin would have a Newt bashing piece up by 10:00 a.m. the next day (today). Ace wrote back about a minute later, "RD, she has a piece up now calling him a 'Phony Intellectual.'" Zoinks. So I replied that it was too obvious and posed a second bet: "Okay, $5.00 says she'll have another Newt bashing piece by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow." No takers.
Well, if someone had gotten-in on that action, they would have been $5.00 richer. Because Gingrich: How Can He Rehabilitate Himself? came out at 10:15. I missed it by 15 minutes.
When you can set your watch by Jennifer Rubin posts that target the latest Romney threat, well, there is a problem.
Guest-blogger Moe Lane also has an item about Rubin today at RedState, Is Jen Rubin using Andrew Ferguson to sneak an anti-Perry sneer in? Moe says, "[W]hile I was reading this Jen Rubin Washington Post article targeting the latest anti-Romney… excuse me, I meant to type out 'Newt Gingrich,' there…" He goes on to examine some apparently overheated rhetoric about Ferguson's coverage of Perry.
Thanks to Ben Domenech. Follow me on Twitter.
Update: Others are noticing. Jeffery Lord at American Spectator. Scott Galupo at USNWR.

posted by rdbrewer at
01:45 PM
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