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November 08, 2011
Week 9 Pick Results
Tabs and crosschecks from Ben and CDR M;
Taste Great
Muletrain2016: 80
Country Blumkins: 75
Aristomenes from da 54301: 74
Anthony L 73
Roll Tide Roll 73
The Plague 73
scott: 73
Less Filling
Gabe Malor: 68
DrewM: 67
rdbrewer: 65
Ben: 65
CDR M: 65
Andy: 61
Russ from Winterset: 61
DiT: 58
ALSO this morning was trading a few emails about the occutards destroying businesses and private property (see that beaut in the sidebar about the street vendors in LA oops, San Diego), not to mention the violence, the threat of violence, the general out of control stupidity and the absolute refusal of corrupt Dem city leaders to put a stop to it, and LauwaW reminded us of this:
"You, uh, were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory and hire someone to protect against this because of the work the rest of us did."

posted by Dave In Texas at
11:08 AM
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