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November 06, 2011
SEAL Team 6 Unhappy With Obama Taking Bows
There was no lengthy battle. The entire operation took only 90 seconds (before Bin Laden died) and 12 bullets. From the sidebar link to The Telegraph:
The men who killed the al-Qaeda chief have decided to speak out because they are tired of their "shabby treatment" by politicians who claim they were on a "kill mission".
They insisted there was no lengthy gun-fight in the compound and claimed they would have captured Bin Laden if he had surrendered, The Sunday Times in the UK reports (behind a paywall).
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He said the men were angry with President Barack Obama for announcing Bin Laden’s death on TV just hours after they completed the mission on May 1.
"There isn't a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting Bin Laden but it devalued the 'intel' and gave time for every other Al-Qaeda leader to scurry to another bolthole," he said.
"The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It's a pretty shabby way to treat these guys."
I made a similar point about the intel last May in the sidebar:
Bin Laden Raid Yields Intel on Ayman al-Zawahiri
Wouldn't it have been nice if the intelligence community had been given a week to work with this "mother lode" of information before Obama started taking bows? He just. couldn't. wait. Of course, the cockroaches scattered immediately. Amateur hour.
And Jonah Goldberg said the same thing in the LA Times after that:
For a week people have been asking, "Why won't the president release Osama bin Laden's photo?" That's the wrong question. We should be asking, "Why was Barack Obama in such a hurry to tell us Bin Laden was dead?"
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I'm no expert on such matters — though I've talked to several about this — but even a casual World War II buff can understand that the shelf life of actionable intelligence would be extended if we hadn't told the whole world, and Al Qaeda in particular, that we had it.
It's a bit like racing to the microphones to announce you've stolen the other team's playbook even before you've had a chance to use the information in the big game.
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Couldn't they have at least tried to give the CIA a week, a day, even a few more hours to look at it all before letting Ayman Zawahiri and the rest of Al Qaeda know about it? Why give him the slightest head start to go even further underground?
Thanks to ArthurK. More at Fox News.
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posted by rdbrewer at
06:24 PM
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