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July 30, 2011
Obamaconomy [ArthurK]
Quarterly GDP since Pres. Obama took office.
2009 2nd Qtr:.....-.7%
2009 3rd Qtr:.....1.7%
2009 4th Qtr:.....3.8%
2010 1st Qtr:.....3.9% (Obamacare passed March 2010)
2010 2nd Qtr:.....3.8%
2010 3rd Qtr:.....2.5%
2010 4th Qtr:.....2.3%
2011 1st Qtr:.....0.4%
2011 2nd Qtr:.....1.3%
The conventional wisdom is that it takes at least 2.5% GDP growth to lower unemployment numbers.For comparison, here are
annual numbers from the Carter years1977....4.6

posted by Open Blogger at
03:52 AM
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