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Overnight Open Thread: Controversy! »
July 17, 2011
Open Thread- Light Pollution in Your Area Map
Meh, Open Thread.
Interesting to see how badly LP'd my "go to spot" back in Maryland has gotten.
Can't help but notice the most conservative congressional districts are all in black and blue zones, where all the most liberal ones are too bright to see Saturn...
Color code:
Black- Astronomers require fresh pants after looking up.
Grey- You have to be as blind as Obama's economic advisers to miss the Milky Way.
Blue- Decent night sky, Andromeda Galaxy and Orion Nebula obvious to the naked eye.
Green- Milky way visible, but in patches.
Yellow- Lesser constellations washing out, Milky Way barely visible.
Orange- Major constellations beginning to lose stars.
Red- Good luck seeing much of anything.
White- You are screwed.
(Click on map to zoom in)

I live in Zone Red, but only 30 minutes from a yellow zone (good evening for a telescope) and a 2 hour trek to Zone Black. I have a feeling most of you aren't nearly as lucky.