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June 29, 2011
National Journal: White House Very Worried About Reelection
Even the slowest boat eventually crosses the river.
Nerves Show on Team Obama
Recent scrambling by the president’s political advisers indicates they’re very worried about his reelection chances.
Honestly, I love the headline, but the tea-leaves offered up aren't great. This one's okay:
4. Raising the stakes in the upper South. Obama’s strategists are raising the stakes in the two battleground upper South states, North Carolina and Virginia.
They’ve never been critical cogs in a presidential strategy. If Team Obama sees them as such in 2012, it suggests the campaign is struggling in states that were comfortably on its side in 2008, particularly those in the Rust Belt.
But of course he'd go after any state he previously won. Fundraising problems aside (that's point 3), he's going to have as much money to field a campaign as anyone in history.
...except, perhaps, for his challenger.
You know who might not be hitting the kitty too hard? "New York Money Men," as General Wesley Clarke terms Jewish people.
Some of these traditional Democrats now say, to their own astonishment, that they’ll consider voting for a Republican in 2012. And many of those who continue to support Obama said they find themselves constantly on the defensive in conversations with friends.
“I’m hearing a tremendous amount of skittishness from pro-Israel voters who voted for Obama and now are questioning whether they did the right thing or not,” said Molly Sheerr, the former head of an abortion-rights-supporting, pro-Israel PAC in Philadelphia, who said she continues to support Obama, with only mild reservations. “I’m hearing a lot of ‘Oh, if we’d only elected Hillary instead.’”
Well, every two years we hear this and every two years it's about the same 75-80% voting Democratic.
It's messhugeneh.