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June 23, 2011
Slutwalk In Seattle "Draws Attention To" Typical Assortment of Shabbily-Dressed Exhibitionists, Plus Westboro Satanists
So, the Westboro Satanic Cult showed up.
I don't think anyone doing this Slutwalk is my kind of people, but I have to admit, this girl made me chuckle.
You can click on the sideshow but I'm telling you right now there are no boobies. Not even the boobies of a horrendous girl who you almost don't want to see her boobies anyway but then you're like, oh what the hell, sure, I'll give them a charity look, because they are boobies and you're just programmed that way.
Just a lot of piercings and painted sneakers.
By The Way: Go figure, few of these girls are dressed as sluts. They're dressed as post-punk jeans and crappy t-shirt hipsters.
The girls at Hot Chicks With Douchebags dress like sluts.
But they don't go to these crunch-granola rallies where they yell and chant and form indigenous-craft drum-circles and try to convince people they're in very great danger of being cat-called at any moment.
They're too busy being hot and awesome.

Not at the Slutwalk.
And, of course, hooking up with douchebags.