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June 22, 2011
More On Jon Stewart Being Misinformed About Conservatives [OregonMuse]
One thing I think we all noticed about Jon Stewart when he was being interviewed by Chris Wallace is how adamant he was, almost angry, when he insisted that Fox viewers were "misinformed". He kept repeating this point, using words like "every poll", "consistently", and "poll after poll". He really seemed to have a desperate need to believe this, and the corollary that Fox is not a legitimate news organization.
Apparently, the need for affirmation is strong in other progressives as well. Where I work, some guy is fond of printing out opinion pieces from lefty sites and leaving them in one of the restroom stalls (presumably as reading material you can ponder while doing your business).
Today, the guy left a printout of
this article (warning: link to lefty fever-swamp site), and I all I can say is, congratulations all the moron commenters in previous threads who correctly identified what Stewart meant by being 'misinformed', which, when boiled down, means not giving lefty-approved answers to poll questions.
The article quotes some poll results of Fox viewers:
91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs
72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit
72 percent believe the economy is getting worse
60 percent believe climate change is not occurring
Does this sound misinformed? Why, yes, very much so!
What's interesting here is that these are all talking points out of the progressive-left/DNC playbook. At best, I would call the answers to these questions controversial. Other charitable adjectives I might use would be 'debatable' and 'disputed.' There isn't anything straightforwardly factual about any of the answers. Why not ask questions such as:
Who is Speaker of the House?
What does the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution say?
How many terms can the President serve?
What is a filibuster?
Is Jon Stewart a lying, dishonest hack, or what?
OK, so maybe I fudged a little on that last one. The point is, if getting the correct answers to poll questions requires a high degree of partisan commitment, then you're not really measuring anything except the degree of partisan commitment.
And articles like this are not meant to be informative or convincing (since they're obviously neither), but rather they're published in order to soothe, reinforce, and maintain the cocoon that progressives have woven around themselves, a warm little insulated cocoon where Obama is a great leader, government spending creates jobs, socialism works, and Jon Stewart is not a lying, dishonest hack.

posted by Code Red at
10:21 PM
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