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June 22, 2011
Chris Matthews: I Hate So-Called Evenhanded So-Called Objective Journalism
I don't even think he listens to himself anymore.
When it comes to "objective truths" such as man-made global warming, the media needs to tell the flat-earthers to shut up.
I’m with you on that, Eric. I hate that so-called evenhanded so-called objective journalism. You know, you know, you can’t say something isn’t true if it’s true in the interest of evenhandedness.
Some truth just needs to be shoved in your face, deniers.
He's just running with Al Gore's complaint, that the media currently is backing down a bit more than he thinks they should in the face of contrary factual evidence that we're killing carbon trading futures the planet.
Hey, I thought skepticism and objectivity were good things. But then I'm an idiot.
via JonahNRO

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:01 PM
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