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Friday Night Flamewar (Caturday Edition) »
May 28, 2011
In Which I Tried To Help
I used my Twitter tonight to try to reach out to hacker victim @RepWeiner.
I started about an hour ago, at "I'm no columbo."
I am Representative Weiner. We all are.
A little music for traumatized victims.
In Which I Finally Starting Getting Some Damn Respect For My Service To Justice: I didn't read this RedState piece, so I don't know what is says, but I assume they're congratulating me for attempting to get justice for Rep. Weiner.
In Which I Join the "Bonerism" Movement: I meant to post this earlier -- at Daily Kos, a "Bonerist" movement aborning, as they claim photographic analysis proves the boner pic was faked.
In Which I Am Outraged Anew! These contemptible villains have (scrll down) apparently hacked the poor young girl this pornography was sent to, deleting her whole Twitter account.
See? We need to find the people responsible for this. Who knows who's next!
It could be you, it could be me, it could be Representative Anthony Weiner again, it probably will be Anthony Weiner again...