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Netanyahu Rebuts Obama In Congressional Address
"It's Never Been About The Establishment Of a Palestinian State, It's About The Existence of a Jewish State" »
May 24, 2011
Netanyahu at AIPAC: As Long As We're Discussing "Rights", I Have One I'd Like to Discuss
Speaking at AIPAC last night.
Tomorow in Congress I'll describe what a peace between a Palestinian state and a Jewish state could look like," he said, "but I want to ensure you of one thing: It must leave Israel with security, and therefore Israel cannot return to the indefensible 1967 lines."
Is it rude to bring up "survival?"
Lines, and territory, and rights. The one right that never gets discussed, which Bibi puts right out front, one I remember first reading in Conor Cruise O'Brien's The Siege years ago, "does Israel have the right to exist?"
Cause until we answer that one, the rest of it can't be resolved.
And of course by "we" I mean the organization ostensibly representing Palestinians that Obama insists Israel must "negotiate" with, who incidentally have already answered this question, and they pretty much say "no."
video here, via Allahpundit.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:41 AM
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