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May 12, 2011
What? Republicans Want "Major Cuts" of $45 Billion from 2012 Budget
Bear in mind, $100 billion would not be "major." It would be minor. Symbolic. Chiefly important as it regards predictions of future actions.
Behold the power of this fully-operational media framing device.
And watch how the GOP falls before it.
Picking up where April’s budget agreement left off, House Republicans outlined plans Wednesday to cut another $45.7 billion from domestic spending and foreign aid next year, an 11 percent reduction designed to roll back appropriations to the levels set prior to the Democratic victories in the 2006 elections.
Labor, health and education programs, the heart of President Barack Obama’s domestic agenda, would be hardest hit — an $18.2 billion cut from 2011 levels and more than $41 billion or 23 percent from his 2012 request.
Indeed, the committee appears to have overshot its 2006 mark, and the $139.2 billion allocated to this bill is substantially less than what was provided that year and closer to 2004 appropriations during former President George W. Bush’s first term.
I suppose that's something, at least, rolling things back to 2006. It's a step in the right direction. But it's just a step.