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May 12, 2011
Oh My: Keith Olbermann's Really Putting Together The All-Stars For New Show
Mutterer's Row:
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Liberal news anchor Keith Olbermann has tapped filmmaker Michael Moore and comedian Richard Lewis as contributors for his upcoming Current TV program, the network said on Wednesday
Additionally, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns ("Baseball", and "The Civil War"), Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and Nicole D. Lamoureux, executive director of the National Association of Free Clinics, will also be regular contributors to the new "Countdown", which premieres on June 20.
"I'm delighted and honored that so many of my friends -- who are not coincidentally among the top progressive and entertainment voices in the country today -- will be joining me as contributors to 'Countdown' on Current," Olbermann said.
Andrew's Dad laughs at how that's put -- the "top progressive and entertainment voices."