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May 03, 2011
The Mythical "Insurmountable bin Laden Bounce"
Our resident trolls like regg or eggr or whatever he calls himself when pretending to be wise and conservative jumped on the "Obama is now unstoppable" bandwagon.
So lets take a look at the ENORMOUS binLadenisnowwormfood bounce:
Per RealClearPolitics.com, the latest Presidential Job Approval results:
[Chart moved below the fold]
That far, far right end of the chart shows the results including the post-bindeaden polls- CNN's poll of adults putting Obama at 52/43 approve,
Newsweek's putting him at 48/49 disapprove, and the Washington Post's laughable 600-adult poll of 56/38 approve.
Obama has received an average bounce- including the WaPo moonland poll, of about 6.6.
Yep, 6.6. Mind you there is time for more rescue polls, but the driving concerns for Americans aren't in Afghanistan/Pakistan right now. They haven't been there in nearly a decade.
President Obama in fact received a larger bounce at the end of last year thanks to the tax cut extension agreement with Republicans than he has so far killing bin Laden.
But hey, never let facts get in the way of a poor narrative, the trolls will argue that quite well I am sure below (much like their predictions of no wave last year, no loss in Massachussetts last January, or Prosser being destroyed in Wisconsin). Teflon Presidency right now, baby.