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The Mythical "Insurmountable bin Laden Bounce" »
May 03, 2011
Release the Kill Video But Not the Funeral Video
Two reasons not to release the funeral video. One: We're undermining "moderate Muslims" by treating what is supposedly someone guilty of "anti-Islamic extremism" (as the Brits euphemize Islamic terrorism) as a Muslim.
Here's another reason:
Because we need to stop jumping when pre-medieval savages tell us to jump.
So, a bunch of primitive shamans and witch-doctors are shaking their savage beards and chanting the Magic Summoning Rituals of Mighty Hatred.
Why are they doing this? Power. They want to know they can intimidate us and boss us around.
It's all they have. They're shit. Less than shit. They've accomplished nothing, they have nothing. Except for barbarism and rape.
But what they do have is the ability to snap their little fingers and bring the Big Dog to heel.
We need to stop this.
We need to let these primitives know we don't believe in their Dark God and nor do we believe in their Big Medicine.
Osama was dropped in the sea to be consumed by crustaceans and bottom-feeders and other unclean water-animals. As it should be.
Enough of the endless groveling and deference to 7th century religious fanatics and neo-Hashassim.
This raises their morale. This causes them to want to keep on fighting. Because we are feeding into their delusion that their Murder God is real and that we worship him too (at least when compelled to).
Stop. Stop with it.
Does anyone in power ever stop to think that we're feeding into their own fantasy of a Bloody-Bladed Allah conquering the world when we time and time again bow down to their god of war and slaughter?
We can't blame these primitives for believing their bloody god will lead them to victory when every day we behave as if we expect that too -- and are trying to get in good with him before we're killed next.
He's dead and being processed into shark-shit and that's all these savages need to know.
Do we have to be apologetic about the Enlightenment and about decency? Why do we always owe the indecent savages an accounting?
(I'll tell you something else: If I see anyone washing this nasty monster's body and covering it white cloth -- with honor -- I think I might "Go Jihadi" myself.)