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May 02, 2011
Old And Busted: Democrats Say Politicizing 9/11 Is Wrong. New Hotness: Obama To Take Victory Lap At Ground Zero. Plus: Will Obama Release Photos Of Bin Laden?
I'm so old I remember when it was wrong to use 9/11 for political purposes (Warning: DU link)
New TV Ad Condemns Republicans for Politicizing 9/11, Ad Planned to Air Nationally this Week
Cites GOP Misinformation Campaign Intended to Bolster President & Keep Control of Congress
9/12/2006 4:14:00 PM
To: National Desk
Contact: Trevor FitzGibbon, 202-246-5303, Alex Howe, 202-822-5200, both for MoveOn.org Political Action
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A new TV ad attacks Republican attempts to use the fifth anniversary of 9/11 to resuscitate the President's popularity and help Republicans hang on to control of Congress.
MoveOn.org Political Action's thirty second spot is planned to begin airing nationwide on cable this week. The ad buy is $100,000.
The ad, "Exploiting 9/11," reminds Americans of the now discredited claims and promises made by the President and Republican leaders in Congress about the connection between 9/11 and Sadaam Hussein; the capture of Osama bin Laden; and making the country safer by invading Iraq.
Want a more recent example? Barney Frank attacks Eric Cantor for politicizing bin Laden's death.
But in the era of CHANGE we have this.
President Obama will travel to New York City on Thursday to visit Ground Zero and meet with families who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, 2001, communications director Dan Pfeiffer said.
It's almost like there are different rules for Democrats and Republicans.
As for the political fallout of this (which I guess we can now talk about since Obama is basically setting up a campaign trip), he'll get a bounce but I doubt it will mean much. We're way too far away from the election for people to be permanently swayed by this.
Also, George W. Bush was reelected despite the fact that he was unable to get bin Laden leading up to the '04 election. And remember W's dad, he was riding high post Gulf War but a much shallower recession that was over before November of
'92 help doom him.
Obama might still win but odds are it's going to be the economy that seals his fate one way or the other.
Related enough: Will we ever get to see the photos of a resting DEAD bin Laden?
The argument against releasing the pictures: they’re gruesome. He has a massive head wound above his left eye where he took bullet, with brains and blood visible.
I want a nice high quality copy to use on my computer's desk top.
Oh, he was shot in the chest too. You know the old rule...anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice.

posted by DrewM. at
08:03 PM
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