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How To Get Obama On His Lies »
April 18, 2011
Obama Spokesman: Obama Never Promised Not To Use Signing Statements
Candidate Obama: I Promise I Will Not Use Signing Statements
Wow, AllahPundit noted on Friday: The candidate who promised to never use presidential signing statements to effect constitutionally-dubious glosses on Congressional legislation -- interpreting them this way or that -- is now actually using them to directly contradict and illegally veto congressional legislation.
Congressional languages said no more monies could be used to fund four "czar" positions. Obama signed that law, but added a statement: I'll spend your money they way I like.
Now his taxpayer-paid shill comes out and claims that Obama didn't promise not to use signing statements -- he only said he wouldn't "abuse" them.
Well, for one thing, directly contradicting clear congressional language is an abuse -- it's straight-up illegal. There's no gray area here.
For another thing: Jay Carney's a liar in service of an even greater liar.
These abuses and lies must be noted and pushed hard. The public still has a higher-than-50% regard for Obama personally, even as they disapprove of his job performance. If there is no clear favorite on policy in the 2012 election, the candidate with a higher personal regard will probably win.
Usually I don't suggest pushing too hard on the character issue when it comes to Obama, but only because 1, it's harder case to make as the public is apparently determined to think well of their Idiot King, and 2, it's hard to sound statesmanlike when hitting someone's personal defects, even if they're plainly relevant to the office sought. And 3, there are opportunity-cost considerations -- if you're hitting him on a harder issue, that means you're not spending time on an easier case to make, like the fact that he's going to bankrupt the country.
That said, where there is an unambiguous, straight-up factual case to be made that Obama is a liar and a charlatan, it must be made.
This is an easy one. This is a lay-up.
Obama has already tipped his hand that he's going to launch a billion-dollar scorched earth negative campaign for the centuries. It's about time we stopped treating this lying socialist pink with kid gloves.
If you're not a racist, it's time to stop being racially condescending and start treating Obama as you would any other dishonest failure.
(This, of course, is the main appeal of Trump at the moment.)