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January 19, 2011
Colorado: Presuming Your (Deceased) Body is the State's?
The difference between "Opt-In" and "Opt-Out" approaches has been thoroughly hashed out on the internet, and it's quite clear that while they are theoretically equivalent (i.e., both allow the user to make the appropriate decision), in practice they are so different as to be on completely different moral levels. I guess it's no surprise to find that the Democrats in my state have picked the road less moral in proposing that you should be forced to "Opt-Out" of one of the most personal decisions you'll ever make.
I'm referring to Colorado's recently submitted "Presumed Consent" bill, which:
...would change the process for renewing driver's licenses and ID cards so applicants are assumed to be organ and tissue donors unless they initial a statement that says they want to opt out.
Sweet. So if somehow, for some reason, you don't initial the statement, your deceased body is now theirs. Your family can have it back when they're done with it,
sans whatever they decided belonged to the State.
Of course I support organ donation, and though I doubt any of the livers among the readership of this blog will be of use, I highly recommend that AoSHQers do sign up as organ donors.
Voluntarily. Because all our bods are belong to us.
UPDATE: As recommended by mamma b - Monty Python's take on organ donation.