� Left Still Making Stuff Up, Claiming Loughner Got His Ideas From DAVID-WYNN: MILLER |
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January 14, 2011
Pat Buchanan Tells Chris Matthes "You Guys [Are] The Birthers of the Left"
This had occurred to me. Buchanan got there first.
Matthews reacts exactly like a Truther to this too. A Truther (note I changed the terms of debate from Birther to Truther) brings up his crazy ideas, states his crazy idea, but then when challenged, he stops asserting the craziest part of his idea and starts claiming he means something more modest. Like, a Truther will start saying "I'm just raising questions" and claiming he "doesn't know" who put those non-existent explosive charges in all 110 floors of the WTC.
That's what Matthews does. After claiming a direct connection for five or six days straight, after Buchanan tells him he's like a Birther or Truther, Matthews starts arguing for the much more modest proposition that saying "Second Amendment remedies" is "wrong."
Well, I'd agree with that! But that is not your thesis, Chris. Your thesis is that Palin's map, and other imagined "incitements," were viewed or heard by Loughner, and that he acted due to these. You can't even establish the former (that he was even aware of them) let alone the latter.
This is what people who know they're lying do. Someone who's wrong, but honest in error, will not immediately back-pedal and walk-back like this. Someone who's honest in error will stick to his (erroneous) guns.
Matthews doesn't. After devoting six hours of prime-time programming (kind of... heh, they won't let Matthews in Prime Time; let's say "early prime") to claiming that Jared Loughner is a right-winger who heard right-wing messages and acted due to these messages, when challenged for the first time by the first guest who tells him he's wrong, he immediately changes his claim to the minor premise "saying 'Second Amendment remedies' is wrong."
And that's all he means, I guess, because that's as far as he can go when he has a guest on to dispute him.
On tonight's show, with Buchanan safely off-set, trust that Matthews' thesis will rise phoenix-like from the ashes once again, and it won't merely be "saying 'Second Amendment remedies' is wrong."
Help Me Out: I'm trying to think of an appropriately derogatory word for the Loughnerian Left that's similar to Truthers or Birthers; anyone have any good ideas?
Update: Stace McCain is hitting the fact that the Idiot Killer was a big fan of lefty conspiracy-monger fave-rave Loose Change, and also something called Zeitgeist, which I've never heard of but which he says is left-leaning too.
Thanks to Error Theory.