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December 01, 2010
Update: Amazon Kicks WikiLeaks Out of the Cloud
As expected:
WikiLeaks has been "ousted" from server space rented from the U.S.-based internet retailer Amazon.com, the website behind a massive disclosure of confidential U.S. documents announced Wednesday.
"WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free," the organization, which facilitates the anonymous leaking of secret information, posted on its Twitter page Wednesday evening. "Fine -- our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe."
I haven't seen an official statement from Amazon and several websites are speculating quite pedantically about which clauses of the Amazon AWS contract were invoked to kick WikiLeaks to the curb.
Strangely, Senator Lieberman is claiming credit for Amazon's decision to pull the plug:
U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, said Amazon cut off WikiLeaks after inquiries from his aides. In a statement issued by his office, the Connecticut independent called on any other company hosting WikiLeaks to follow suit.
Um, okay?
WikiLeaks is now bemoaning the state of the First Amendment in the United States, having apparently no idea what the First Amendment actually contains.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
04:59 PM
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