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December 01, 2010
Remember that Euro-contagion I warned you about last night? [Fritzworth]
That didn't take long:
The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an extra commitment of money from the International Monetary Fund, a U.S. official told Reuters on Wednesday.
"There are a lot of people talking about that. I think the European Commission has talked about that," said the U.S. official, commenting on enlarging the 750 billion euro ($980 billion) EU/IMF European stability fund. "It is up to the Europeans. We will certainly support using the IMF in these circumstances."
As per the post last night, it's a matter of: do you let the countries fail or the banks fail? Hat tip to the Drudgester. ..fritz..

posted by Open Blogger at
04:28 PM
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