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October 29, 2010
Obama: Devices On Cargo Planes Meant For Jewish Organizations In US
The Religion of Peace strikes again.
President Barack Obama declared Friday that authorities had uncovered a "credible terrorist threat" against the United States following the overseas discovery of U.S.-bound packages containing explosives aboard cargo jets. Obama said both had been addressed to Jewish organizations in the Chicago area.
The disclosures triggered a worldwide alert amid fears that al-Qaida was attempting to carry out fresh terror attacks.
The events "underscore the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism," the president said. The packages both originated in Yemen, but Obama did not explicitly assign blame to al-Qaida, which is active in the Arab nation and long has made clear its goal of attacking the United States.
The Christmas Day Bomber, the Time Square bombing and now this. Depending on your enemy to be incompetent is not a winning strategy for the long term.
BTW-According to Gibbsy, Obama won't be altering his schedule tonight or over the weekend, so the campaign stops are still on.

posted by DrewM. at
05:26 PM
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