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October 26, 2010
Red Alert! Hide Your Children....A Religion Has Been Insulted. Riots Expected, Heads Will Be Severed!
Oh, it's just Catholics. Never mind.
Behold, the brilliance and bigotry of the Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor Party (the state's Democratic party)!
If you can't make it out, the button says, "Ignore the poor".
Only two small problems.
The Catholic Church is one of the largest providers of services to the poor in the country and the target of the mailer isn't even a Catholic.
Bigoted and stupid is no way to go through life you jackasses.
Imagine the reaction if this bigotry had been directed at another religion like, and I'm just picking one out of mid-air....Islam. Snarky blog posts and lost votes would be the least of their problems.
I'm sure the likes of Keith Olbermann, Greg Sargent and Think Progress will be all over this. Or you know, they might just keep whining about Karl Rove.

posted by DrewM. at
11:14 PM
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