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NY-20: Gibson Crosses 50% Mark In Poll »
October 26, 2010
Ace: This New Poll Showing Toomey Up 48-40 Gives Me a "Rubio" Kind of Feeling In My Pants
Marco Rubio: Oh God... Hey, I Just Got An Email From Joe Sestak; He Says He Likes You
Ace: He Like-Likes Me?!!
Marco Rubio: Sure Why Not
Democrats not coming home as advertised.
Corbett's way ahead for governor, too.
Republicans Tom Corbett Tomcorbett and Pat Toomey have solidified their leads over Democratic rivals Dan Onorato and Joe Sestak in this morning's Morning Call/Muhlenberg College tracking poll.
In the U.S. Senate race, Toomey leads Sestak 48-40 percent with 12 percent still undecided. In the battle for the governor's office, Corbett leads Onorato 50-39 percent with 11 percent undecided.
More Polling News: A general trend of Democrats doing better, alas, but most battleground races still with the Republican ahead, or within striking distance (Fiorina).
In one case -- Linda McMahon -- she's slipped, due to Blumenthal's ads knocking her wrestling business.
Meg Whitman is slipping thanks to the dog-whistle campaign against her-- the smear that supposedly she knowingly hired an illegal, but that was never the real focus of the attack. The real focus of the attack could not be stated -- the real charge is that she fired the illegal. All about ginning up the Hispanic vote.
Rand Paul has hit the 50% mark, 50-43. Here's video of his debate with Conway, which almost everyone says he won.