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October 25, 2010
OMG: Did You See What Joe Miller Was Disciplined For?
Drew did, as he linked it. I've been worried about this for two weeks.

No, Quenchy is meant non-ironically --
if this is what Leesza Machiunski has,
Leesza Machiunski's done
Is this it?
Rostad said he received the phone call from Miller's father after Kodiak Republicans asked him to find out what happened at the Fairbanks borough. Rostad forwarded the results of the conversation to a number of Republicans in an e-mail sent Thursday night.
Rostad wrote in the e-mail that Rex Miller told him there was a poll being conducted as part of the effort to oust Ruedrich as state Republican Party chairman.
Here's how Rex Miller described what happened, according to Rostad's e-mail:
"One noon hour, on his own time at the borough, Joe participated in an online poll voting against Randy. He used four office computers in the office to do it, thinking this was his chance to boost numbers to get rid of Randy. He emptied the cache files on the computers so the users wouldn't know what he had done. When the users asked what had happened to their caches, (Miller) admitted to what he did. He was reprimanded and docked in pay for several days, but was not suspended or fired."
"Rex told me that his son called him that same day and admitted that he did a stupid thing. He said he was sorry. Joe was 'never in danger of being fired at any time,' Rex said," Rostad wrote in the e-mail.
He tried to Freep an online poll, at work.
Drew says "let's not pretend this isn't a bad thing," but it's just not. Miller was an employee (part-time) and it was the employer's policy that computers not be used for political purposes. Okay -- he violated the employer's rules... but what he did can barely even be termed "for political processes." He went to four machines because they had different IPs and voted on them all to Freep a meaningless online poll.
This is what Murcszinski has her hopes pinned on?
I'm sure most of you are probably not supposed to comment on websites at work. Yeah, okay. Well, fine. If you get caught, you get a slap on your wrist. You wouldn't expect this to disqualify you for higher office.
Oh, and completely irrelevant and utterly non sequitor and apropros of nothing:
Oh, I Like This Part:
When the users asked what had happened to their caches, (Miller) admitted to what he did.
He admitted it. And right now he's saying "I haven't lived a perfect life" as if this is some big black mark.
Guy seems pretty squeaky clean if this is the stuff he's confessing to and apologizing about.