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October 22, 2010
Contest: Election 2010 Official Entries Thread
I announced the contest on Sunday, now it's time for your official predictions. Entries are due by TODAY, October 22 at 8pm Eastern.
First Contest: House of Representatives
How many seats will the GOP gain (net) in the House?
Whoever gets it right on the dot or closest without going over (hey, it worked for Bob Barker) wins.
Second Contest: Senate
Predict the outcome in the following eleven senate races, which we've given particular attention to here at the HQ:
Whoever gets the most right wins.
The tiebreaker for both contests will be a prediction of the percentages in the Florida Rubio-Crist-Meek race.
Entries are due by TODAY, October 22 at 8pm Eastern. (I extended the deadline from what I thought it'd be because I forgot to put this post up last night. I was assembling a bed. Sleeping on a bed is real good.)
You can post your Official Predictions in the comments to this thread OR, if you'd rather, you can email me your entry any time before the deadline at "gabriel.malor" at gmail. I've already got a bunch of entries by email -- including from the cob-loggers, who made uninspiring guesses -- no need to resend it if you already did, but you can send me your tiebreaker prediction if you like.
I'll tally the results and announce the winners after the recounts are done.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:12 AM
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