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October 21, 2010
It's Come To This: Even Supposedly Free-Thinking, Anti-Group-Think, Anti-Totalitarian Sci Fi Writers Have Decided It's Time To Bring Back the Laws Against Blasphemy
For just one religion, of course. One very special, very protected religion.
I’m emailing you because I know you’re a SF fan, and I haven’t seen you cover this topic yet. (If you have, my apologies.)
Elizabeth Moon, award winning mil-sf author and former Marine, was invited to speak as guest of honor at the 2011 WISCON, a feminist SF con. However, ever since she posted comments on the NYC 9/11 Mosque (http://e-moon60.livejournal.com/335480.html) she has been branded a racist and there is an active movement afoot among some on-line sf feminists (male and female, mostly current and past WISCON attendees) to get her dis-invited to WISCON, and failing that, for her to be actively shunned during her speech. (Word has it that ‘fans of color’ and ‘non-Christian fans’ will feel “unsafe” attending the con if Ms. Moon is there.)
One of the posts covering the fan reaction:
Another reaction: http://nojojojo.livejournal.com/221241.html
A round-up of reaction: http://elf.dreamwidth.org/2010/09/16/?style=site
Battleswarm covered it here: http://www.battleswarmblog.com/?tag=elizabeth-moon
A note: A SF feminist of my acquaintance asks me to emphasize the NON-universality of these sentiments among SF fans, feminist, female, or otherwise. People can disagree without being disagreeable.
But they're anti-fascist and stuff. In fact, they're largely anti-religion, as religion represents superstition and dogma and sci-fi writers are all about reason and empiricism.
But... yet... they're not.
Since Instapundit posted that, she's been booted.
So anyone who's signed up -- demand your full refund. Say you were going there specifically to see Ms. Moon and this constitutes bait and switch.
And, in fact, boycott every writer who does appear there, as they stand there in support of fascism.
Fascism's worth a boycott, isn't it?
Related: Bernie Goldberg on Juan Willams' firing for speaking truths so obvious they must be stamped out with force of arms.
Only about 20 percent of Americans identify themselves as liberals. Liberalism was once a great American movement. It led the fight for civil rights, the most important issue, as far as I'm concerned, of the 20th century.
It's a shame that liberalism is dying in this country. It's an outright crime that liberals are killing it.
In related news, 2,996 people were killed due to endless hate being preached at mosques and few Muslims, if any, have actually apologized about that -- even on behalf of their frantic fanatic coreligionists.
But that's okay. We just need to understand, as they always tell us, that it's our fault.
Like Imam Rauf, the "moderate" cleric heading this ugly venture, says -- America was a coconspirator in 9/11.
Cash-Money Support: Morons are attesting that Ms. Moon is a great sci-fi writer and fantasy writer, too. So buy a book and see if you like it!
And don't buy a single book from anyone involved with, or appearing at, this conference, ever again.
Fascism shouldn't be a cost-free endeavor for people. There ought to be a cost.