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October 17, 2010
Obama to Dems: It's Not My Fault Because Americans Are Scared Stupid
No, it couldn't be his deeply unpopular policies or the the economy-destroying legislation his allies in Congress have been passing around. The President says Democrats are failing in the polls because Americans aren't thinking clearly.
Seeking to explain his party's troubles, the president focused not on controversial legislation like national health care and the stimulus but on evolutionary psychology. "Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama told the assembled Democrats, who paid $15,200 a person to attend. "And the country is scared."
To "break through the fear and the frustration that people are feeling right now," Obama told the crowd, will require high-end donors not just to "write checks" but also to "lift up people's spirits and make sure that they're not reacting just to fear."
As with his unscripted "bitter clingers" remark two years ago, the President is entirely ignorant of his own insulting elitism. He simply has no idea what an utter douchetool it makes him to tell Democratic high-rollers "Give me your money because Americans are being dumb; we'll show them." I bet you a beer that he was off his telebinky for this too.
Via Slublog.
More: Thinking about it, Obama's done more than his share of fearmongering this election cycle. If Americans are afraid, they've got good reason to be.
The President says that the GOP repeal of ObamaCare will lead to increased premiums and reduced benefits. He must have missed the massive rate hikes that went into effect to pay for ObamaCare mandates. He must have missed his own CMS actuary who found that ObamaCare has reduced benefits for seniors.
The President says that the GOP will hurt the economy by scuttling his stimulus, especially "green energy subsidies" and "thousands of green jobs." Of course, he just admitted the other day that there's no such thing as a "shovel-ready project" and no magical "green economy" has materialized. His promise to keep the unemployment rate under 8% turned out to be a big fat lie. As a result, Americans are still without work, the economy is still in the dump, and our children will get to pay the bill for Obama's failed "stimulus".
Obama continues to fearmonger on tax cuts, claiming in a blatant lie that the GOP will not renew tax cuts for the middle class. The truth is, the Bush tax cuts (which included cuts for the middle class) are expiring because of his own party. They would have been permanent but for Democrat opposition. For the GOP it's not about "giving" the middle class a tax cut. It's about keeping the greedy government from taking money that's already rightfully theirs. In the two years they've been in power, the Democrats haven't done more than pretend to be interested in cutting taxes for the middle class, though they've certainly enjoyed passing wealth redistribution measures in the form of tax credits.
Lauraw reminds me that it's not just the Democrats in the White House or in Congress. Democratic cronies in executive agencies like the EPA are also set on economy-killing regulations. No amount of reasoning -- "Hey, maybe never's a good time to raise energy prices for every American." -- will penetrate the Democrat's global warming fearmongering.
Obama asked his rich donors to "lift up people's spirits." In fact, Americans' spirits will be higher and their futures brighter after the Democrats get a big old whack on the nose in November. I know you can do it.
posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:35 PM
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