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October 13, 2010
For Congress: Jacob Turk, MO-5
Nice Deb tells me this can happen.
Jacob Turk's opponent is Emanuel Cleaver, who is not only as socialist/progressive as you could possibly want (or bear), but who also happens to be the chief architect of SpittleGate and all those racial slurs which no one seemed to record as the most liberal members of the Democratic Caucus marched defiantly to show they were ready willing and eager to defy the will of the electorate.
Unbeatable? Not so: A private Rasmussen poll shows him down a mere 6-9 points. And he was down 20 a couple of months ago.
Jacob Turk: proud to be a Tea Partier.
Here he is mixing it up with some of those dirty tea-bagger types at a rally:

Daring to come within spitting distance of a Tea Partier.
Jacob Turk for Congress
Two things, Emanuel: 1. We're spitting mad but we don't spit.
2. You're fired.
I love how every time Democrats are in political trouble Angry White People start popping out of the shadows to throw epithets at them. Just when they need it the most.
Just so curious how this keeps on happening. Like, with Ruth McClung. She's about to beat Grivalja or whatever his name is, Fat Tarantula Face, and just as she's about to score that upset, the Secret Legions of Conveniently Unrecorded Epithet-Hurling White Racists suddenly decide to activate.
Well, that all started with Cleaver, didn't it? Well, it didn't start with him, but he sure knows which page to turn to in the playbook.
Let him know: We remember.
And we're not in a forgiving mood.