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Democrat Alderman's Home Vandalized; Campaign Lawn Sign Wrecked �
October 12, 2010
For Congress: Andy Harris, MD-1
Doctor, Navy man, husband, father, and strong advocate for free markets and free citizens.
Can he win? Well, he's within three points of the socialist incumbent. And the thing is, he sorta did win last time -- except his "Ruling Class Right" primary opponent, an incumbent he defeated, got vengeance by endorsing the Democrat challenger.
And even in that Obama wave year, he still only lost by two and a half thousand votes.
He's kind of being screwed over again this year, as the US Chamber of Congress is, of course, supporting his opponent. With foreign money, doubtless.
Dan Riehl explains that this is why he's in such a bloodletting mood against the establishment.
And this does seem to be a pattern, doesn't it? From write-in campaigns, to running as independents, to endorsing the Democratic challenger -- the ruling class establishment seems to be its own party with its own membership and its own interests, and official party label doesn't seem to matter that much to them.