« Top Headline Comments 10-06-2010 |
Financial Briefing: The Enchumpening! »
October 06, 2010
American Bankruptcy Institute: "We expect that there will be nearly 1.6 million new [consumer] bankruptcy filings by year end"
R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y. S.U.M.M.E.R. - catch the fever.
...The overall September consumer filing total of 130,329 was 4.4 percent more than the 124,790 consumer filings recorded in September 2009. The September total also represented a 3.3 percent increase from the August 2010 total of 127,028 consumer filings...
Well comrades, the numbers are up, and up is always good, right? Based on this encouraging economic news, the chocolate ration has been increased to 20 grams up from 25.
Now hiring: bankruptcy court judges and clerks.