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Hey Slu, I Raise You A Gubernatorial Candidate Threatening A Reporter. NY GOP Candidate Paladino Threatens To "Take Care Of" NY Post State Editor »
September 29, 2010
The revolution takes another hit; Tea Party candidate says bad words
How do you know when your state's politics are officially boring? When something like this counts as a MAJOR. SCANDAL.
News of the punch comment comes on the heels of a video posted online Tuesday showing LePage telling a crowd that, if elected, they can expect to see newspaper headlines declaring “Governor LePage tells Obama to go to hell.”
In an interview with The Associated Press, LePage said he regretted his choice of words but wasn't backing down in his criticism of the Obama administration for what he describes as free-spending, antibusiness policies.
“Am I politically correct all the time? No. Maybe it's time to have people say bluntly what's going on,” LePage said Wednesday. “The fact of the matter is that I haven't learned how to speak out of both sides of my mouth yet.”
Normally, I wouldn't post about local politics, but this seems to be
scandalous enough to
attract the attention of
national media. Equally horrifying? This same candidate told a reporter to
"stop the bullshit" when he was asked a question about his wife's taxes.
Sorry folks...the revolution was fun while it lasted, but all good things must come to an end.
Seriously, though, there's a reason LePage is getting hit on stuff like this. The Dems who have been running this state for years can't defend their record so they (along with a willing press) are playing up the 'temperament' argument and asking whether LePage is emotionally stable enough to be governor.
The only problem with this argument? The Dems and the press made it an issue during the last election, and it hasn't exactly worked out that well. Americans were assured that Barack Obama had a "first-class temperament." As it turns out, the president is a bit thin-skinned and unable to take criticism.
What the media doesn't seem to realize about this election year is that the political silly season is over. Voters aren't looking for someone who can play the part of elected official. They're looking for people who share their beliefs and who have the willingness to lead and limit the intrusion of government into our lives.
Even if those individuals sometimes say naughty words.
Obligatory: If you've got a few bucks lying around and want to hurt some blue-state Democrats, you know what to do.

posted by Slublog at
09:38 PM
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