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September 22, 2010
Ace: This Poll Showing Frank Under 50% Makes Me Want To Send Erotic Photo-Collages to Allen West
Allen West: Say My Name One More Time, Punk, And I'll Beat You Stupid
Ace: ...
Ace: This Poll Makes Me Want To Talk About Someone Else Entirely!
At Hot Air, Bielat has just gone from "longshot" to mere "underdog."
One thing, though: This is a poll conducted for the campaign, so... sometimes there's a little fudge factor there. Then again, I thought that about the first Tea Party Express poll showing O'Donnell within 2 points, and, well, she was within two points. Or better.
The ballot is very encouraging and shows Bielat at 38%, Frank at 48% and 13% undecided.
This is very encouraging because Barney Frank is an incumbent congressman who has served in Congress since 1981, has a favorable opinion slightly above 50% in a strongly Democratic district, but is now below 50% on the ballot. Frank has fallen 5 points on the ballot since July and shows that the national wave of frustration amongst the voters is even reaching the Democrat stronghold of Massachusetts 4th Congressional District.
We find more erosion of Frank’s support when we look at independent voters. In July, Frank led this critical demographic 44% to Bielat’s 37%, now, in September Frank has plunged 10 points with independents and trails with just 34% to Bielat’s 51%.
Does no one in Frank's district even care that he built the bomb that blew up the world's economy?
Sean Bielat For Congress
When he's not killing terrorists, he's building robots. Which also kill terrorists.