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September 16, 2010
Democrats To Run On Record of Genuine Accomplishment and Gaywad Logo But Mostly Gaywad Logo
What can you say about the Democrats that they're not already saying about themselves?
DNC head Tim Kaine promised "exciting" news that would speak to the hearts of young voters and energize them, and he unveiled... a logo.
A good logo, a least? Well, you know what it looks like, so you know the answer is "no."
I don't even know where to begin. I feel absurd even discussing a friggin' logo as, quote, "something that will excite Democrats across the country." If this "excites" Democrats across the country, then they are well and truly easy lays. Oh right, they are, that's why I used to be a Democrat in college.
Other problems? Well, in sucks; how about that for starters? The rap on Democrats is always that they are ultrafeminized and weak, and, oh, here's a powder-blue logo to reinforce what you already knew. And it looks like a bullseye, which, you know: spot-on,, but not the way you want it spot-on.
And going back to the main issue? It's a logo. When a sucky sports team decides to change its uniforms to black so they can sell merchandise despite losing every damn season, hey, at least in that case -- black unis. It's something, at least. It doesn't make the team any less sucky but they do tend to look better in bold black.
But this? This party has driven the country into the ground so far we need a blow-out preventer to keep from spilling into Hell and they're trotting out a poorly conceived, terribly executed marketing ploy as something that will "excite" the base?
Excite them how? Push them from merely considering suicide into embracing the noose?
A logo that a local Arby's franchise would turn down as "too uninspiring" to use to mark their dessert bar?
You've been in control of Congress for four miserable years and the White House (and all government) for two years and what you have to show for it is a washed-out "O" with a "D" inside it you can put on t-shirts for the kind of fucking loser who wears party-branded merchandise to his hot date with the television and loneliness?
This is what you've got?
I have to channel Col. Nathan R. Jessep here: Please tell me that you haven't staked the lives of these fine men on nothing but a goddamned marketing gimmick, Lieutenant Kaffee.
At Hot Air, Allah writes:
I figured the “major announcement” would have something to do with their online organization, but how could anyone not have guessed that it would involve a logo? Better “branding” and salesmanship are always, always their solutions to their political problems; the policies themselves are brilliant, so how could anything except poor “messaging” explain a decline in the polls? Consider this an absurd yet perfectly foreseeable extension of that logic. GOP tsunami coming in November? Time to go nuclear, then: New logo.
Exactly. The Democrats' knock is that they're the party of big talk and no results, a party of noxious, preening gasbags perpetually engaged in a circle-jerk con of the American people, a party that speaks in platitudes and bromides and fails abysmally whenever entrusted with actual responsibility, and their "exciting" new way to combat this?
The drew a squiggle.
Here. Here's your squiggle. That'll be $14.3 trillion dollars and your children's future, please. Thank you, drive through.
Today's Democrat Party
Come for the arrogance and entitlement.
Stay for the incompetence and weakness.