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August 31, 2010
Another Day, Another Poll Showing 70% Of Americans Are Racist, Islamophobes
Given that the polling is pretty consistent on this issue, shouldn't the MFM start calling Obama, Bloomberg and other supporters of the Ground Zero Victory mosque "fringe elements" and "a tiny minority"?
A poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of New Yorkers want the developers of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero to voluntarily move the project.
The Quinnipiac University poll finds the same percentage of New Yorkers want Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to investigate sources of funding for the project in lower Manhattan.
Cuomo, a Democrat running for governor, has said little about the issue. He says it's protected by the Constitution, although he will investigate if concerns are found.
The poll finds 53 percent of registered voters feel the Muslim developers shouldn't be allowed to build a couple blocks from ground zero. Yet about the same share says they have a right to.
Obviously, just because 70% of people think something doesn't mean they are right. Still, you'd think the fringe minority element would take a moment to reflect and consider why they are so far outside the American mainstream. They never do because in this case the 'wackos' are the self anointed arbiters of "right thinking" and morality. Sure less than 30% agree with them but as long as it's the right 30% and they are in it together, then they are the holders of wisdom and the masses just don't get it.
Funny how 20% who think Obama is a Muslim* shows a dangerous rise in the number of lunatics in the country but 29%? Oh, well, that's an important sector of the American public who must be listened to and celebrated.
Two strange stories that are related enough:
The FBI actually has to defend itself from CAIR types for having the temerity to invite Robert Spencer to speak to a terrorism task force.
Via Michelle Malkin, The US State Department is buying thousands of copies of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf's book.
*Just to be clear, no, I don't think Obama is a Muslim.

posted by DrewM. at
11:33 AM
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