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August 23, 2010
Attention All Bloggers: Pass This Along
This Is An Important Action Alert
No, really.
A company called Righthaven is purchasing the copyrights to the content in many media outlets and suing bloggers who republish that content.
As DrewM. notes in email: "There's always the chance some of these folks were re-posting whole articles and we've gone through the fair use thing but when people are basically conducting shakedowns they aren't all that particular sometimes."
Gibson’s vision is to monetize news content on the backend, by scouring the internet for infringing copies of his client’s articles, then suing and relying on the harsh penalties in the Copyright Act — up to $150,000 for a single infringement — to compel quick settlements. Since Righthaven’s formation in March, the company has filed at least 80 federal lawsuits against website operators and individual bloggers who’ve re-posted articles from the Las Vegas Review-Journal, his first client.
HERE: Clayton Cramer provides information on how to avoid arousing the professional interest of this firm. Contains list of media outlets that Righthaven is known to protect.
I say "known to" because:
Gibson says he’s just getting started. Righthaven has other media clients that he won’t name until the lawsuits start rolling out, he says.
He's a sneaky little shit, just like Neidermeyer.

posted by Laura. at
12:42 PM
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