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August 18, 2010
Rasmussen: Nevada Race Moves From "Lean Dem" to "Toss Up"
Thank Goodness.
In the latest polling conducted on Monday night Sharron Angle and Harry Reid are now tied.
Yesterday both Pennsylvania and Ohio races shifted from Toss-Up to Leans Republican.
And I didn't do this post, but Pennsylvania -- that's almost looking like a lay-up,* right?
* With apologies to the exquisite sensitivities of Ann Althouse, who finds a joke about an Ewok, this guy:
...expressing an interest in "nutting on" one of the women dressed as Lady Ewoks in that Emily List ad to be "despicable."
Whatever you do, don't show her this.
And definitely don't mention that Keith Olbermann piece to her, which was so offensive about the mentally handicapped even I was offended by what I was writing (and apologies to those offended: Sometimes offense is the joke, though).
Wicket the Ewok nutting on a Ewokette is "despicable" but a post dropping the r-bomb fifty times in a cruel way is a-ok by Ms Althouse's lights?
Ah well. We each have our own little fiefdom of offense which we patrol vigorously and aggressively.