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August 16, 2010
Barney Frank on Obama's Mistakes: He Didn't Blame the Republicans Enough
Hey, it's kinda like blaming Obama, in a way:
Frank said Obama made a critical mistake when he took office in January 2009 by being too nice to Republicans and failing to tell the public just how bad things were following the presidency of George W. Bush. That has left Frank and other Democrats vulnerable to Republican attacks that they are to blame for problems facing the nation — from the intractable war in Afghanistan to the economic collapse at home — when the roots of those crises were planted during the Bush administration, Frank said.
“The president was not partisan enough; he did not put the blame where it lay, and so we’re in a tough fight now,’’ he told roughly 70 attendees at a fund-raiser.
On account of Obama's nice-making gestures to the Republicans, and his darned reluctance to blame them (and Bush!) for the economy, people are irritated and surly now and that makes things harder on us Democrats. Because when people are pissy, those darn negative ads, they sure do sting.
Who us? We didn't do nuthin. But we'd like to do more.
Barney Frank's got a fevah, and the only cure is more authority.
Brand Democrat™ courtesy Slublog

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:56 PM
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