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Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition »
August 13, 2010
Obama: Ground Zero Victory Mosque? Absolutely, Sounds Awesome
He took a break from his grueling golf/vacation schedule to have a dinner.
It was the president's first remarks about the mosque controversy. The White House previously called the matter solely a local one.
At the dinner attended by two Muslim-American congressmen, Obama acknowledged that hot-fire emotions the planned mosque and cultural center have stoked.
"Ground Zero is, indeed, hallowed ground," the president said.
"But let me be clear: as a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.
Obama said Islam is not the enemy, al-Qaida is.
"We must never forget those who we lost so tragically on 9/11, and we must always honor those who have led our response to that attack from the firefighters who charged up smoke-filled staircases, to our troops who are serving in Afghanistan today," he said.
"Our enemies respect no freedom of religion. Al Qaida's cause is not Islam it is a gross distortion of Islam. These are not religious leaders these are terrorists who murder innocent men, women and children. In fact, al Qaida has killed more Muslims than people of any other religion and that list of victims includes innocent Muslims who were killed on 9/11."
You know who else my enemy is? My enemy is someone who think it's a good idea to advertise the virtues of Islam next door to Islam's Greatest Hit.
Oh: Some of us are debating the actual electoral outlook in this thread, beginning at post 89... In case you care, I'm offering my real opinion on what's going to happen there.
In posts I'll be conservative; in the comments I'll say what I really think. And what I really think is bloodbath.
Ohhhh... And it's Friday, too. So it can be lost over the weekend.
Well, as they say, Praise Allah (pbuh) it's Friday.
Update [Slublog] - Okay, one more...